Lucas Cranach, the Elder. Fountain of Youth (det.), 1546.
"Whoso that will for gracë sue"
By King Henry VIII
[FROM Additional Ms. 31922  ]
Whoso that will for gracë sue
His intent must needs be true,
And lovë her in heart and deed,
Else it were pity that he should speed.
Many one saith that love is ill,
But those be they which can no skill.
Or else because they may not obtain,
They would that other should it disdain.
But love is a thing given by God,
In that therefore can be none odd; But perfect indeed and between two,
Wherefore then should we it eschew?
Source: Poetry of the English Renaissance 1509-1660.
J. William Hebel and Hoyt H. Hudson, Eds.
New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1941. 9.
Sheet Music for "Whoso that will for gracë sue" (Original Manuscript, c.1518)
Sheet Music for "Whoso that will for gracë sue" (Modern)