Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke
Psalm 46 : Deus noster refugium
Our hope is God, God is our stay
A sheild to keep us sound
Still ready to be found
When troubles would our minds dismay
When albeit the Earth quake all
And highest hills do fall
Into the deepest deep
Yet still we will us fearless keep.
Yea to the deep up boyling make
Such watry mountains rise
As at their dashing cryes
The earthy mountains seem to shake
Yet shall a Rivers streaming joy
With myrth wash from annoy
The citty God hath chose
His Holy dwelling to enclose.
God in this Cittys Center bides
What can this citty shake
Who can this citty take
Where God a present ayd resides?
Where Nations raged against it came
And empires did the same
Ayr did with thunder sound
Earth failed their feet with melting ground.
The God of Armys for us armes,
When any tumult moves
The God that Jacob loves :
Our fortresse is against all harmes
O Come yourselves, O come and see
How clean, how throughly hee
Hath purgd the earth of those
That unto him er were his foes.
By him each where all warrs are dread
As farr as hand doth go
He shiverd hath the bow
Crusht pikes, and flames with chariots fedd
Be still sayth he and know that I
Am God who will on high
My peereless power and prayse
About all lands and peoples rayse.
The God of armys, for us arms
When any tumult moves
The God that Jacob loves
Our fortresse is against all harms.
[AJ Note: Deus noster refugium, God is our refuge.]
Pembroke, Mary S. H. The Triumph of Death and Other
Unpublished and Uncollected Poems. G. F. Waller, Ed.
Salzburg: Universität Salzburg, 1977. 100-101.
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