¶ The song of Protheus.
by George Gascoigne
O Noble Queene give eare,
to this my floating muse:
And let the right of readie will,
my little skill excuse.
For heardmen of the seas,
sing not the sweetest notes:
The winds and waves do roare and crie
Where Phoebus seldome floates:
Yet since I doe my best,
in thankfull wise to sing:
Vouchsafe (good Queene) that calme consent
these words to you may bring.
We yeeld you humble thanks,
in mightie Neptunes name.
Both for our selves and therewithall,
for yonder seemely Dame.
A Dame: whom none but you,
deliver could from thrall:
Ne none but you deliver us,
from loitring life withall.
She pined long in paine,
as overworne with woes:
And we consumde in endles care,
to fend her from her foes.
Both which you set at large,
most like a faithfull freend:
Your noble name be praisde therefore,
and so my song I ende.
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Gascoigne, George. The Complete Works of George Gascoigne. Vol. II.
John W. Cunliffe, Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1910. 105.
 | to Works of George Gascoigne |
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Created by Anniina Jokinen on November 11, 1997. Last updated on March 6, 2007.