Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn.
[ 1527? ]
Darling, these shall be only to advertise you that this bearer and his fellow be
despatched with as many things to compass our matter, and to bring it to pass as our wits could imagine or devise;
which brought to pass, as I trust, by their diligence, it shall be shortly, you and I shall have our desired end,
which should be more to my heart's ease, and more quietness to my mind, than any other thing in this world; as, with
God's grace, shortly I trust shall be proved, but not so soon as I would it were; yet I will ensure you there shall
be no time lost that may be won, and further can not be done; for ultra posse non est esse. Keep him
not too long with you, but desire him, for your sake, to make the more speed; for the sooner we shall have word from him,
the sooner shall our matter come to pass. And thus upon trust of your short repair to London, I make an end of my
letter, mine own sweet heart.
Written with the hand of him which desireth as much to be yours as you do to have him.
H. R.