 Essays and Articles on Sixteenth Century
Renaissance English Literature
These essays are not intended to replace library research. They are here to
show you what others think about a given subject, and to perhaps spark an
interest or an idea in you. To take one of these essays, copy it, and to pass
it off as your own is known as plagiarism—academic dishonesty which will
result (in every university I've heard tell of) in suspension or dismissal from
the university. Not only are your professors as technology savvy as you are,
they will not tolerate theft of another's intellectual efforts.
Henry VIII
=Student Essay
Please see Essays and Articles on King Henry VIII
Sir Thomas More
=Student Essay
Please see Essays and Articles on Sir Thomas More
John Skelton
=Student Essay
John Skelton: Living Man, Living Poet - Sister Maris Stella, C.S.J.
"Goe thou forth my booke": Authorial Self-Assertion and Self-Representation
in Printings of Renaissance Poetry - Ronald S. Renchler
Satire of Counsel, Counsel of Satire: Representing Advisory Relations
in Later Medieval Literature - Jonathan M. Newman
John Skelton and the Royal Court - Greg Walker
John Skelton and the New Fifteenth Century - Kathleen Tonry
Laughter and Sin: Vice Families in Tudor Interludes - Sarah Carpenter
Stage Presentation of Allegorical Characters in J. Skelton's Play Magnyfycence - Olena Lilova
Pium Vestrum Catullum Britannum: The Influence
of Catullus' Poetry on John Skelton - Juan Manuel Castro Carracedo
"Whan Foly cometh, all is past": Revisiting the Drama of Fools in
Magnyfycence - Elisabeth Dutton
"To lerne you to dye when ye wyll": John Skelton and the Ars Moriendi Tradition - Juan Manuel Castro Carracedo
The Vice Is a Lonely Hunter - Jean-Paul DÉbax
Poetic Statesmanship and the Politics of Patronage in the Early Tudor Court: Material Concerns of John Skelton's
Early Career as a Critical Context for the Interpretation of The Bowge of Courte - Ray Siemens 
Counterfet Countenaunce: (Mis)representation and the Challenge to Allegory
in Sixteenth-century Morality Plays - Jane Griffiths
John Skelton's "Agenst Garnesche": Poetic Territorialism at the Court of Henry VIII - Victor I. Scherb
Ambition and Anxiety in The House of Fame and the Garlande of Laurell - Alastair Bennett
"Measure is Treasure": Financial and Political Prudence in Skelton's Magnificence - Tai-Won Kim
Constructing the Sexual Subject of John Skelton - A. W. Barnes
Devils and Vices in English non-cycle Plays: Sacrament and Social Body - John D. Cox
What's in a Name? The Transmission of "John Skelton, Laureate" in Manuscript and Print - Jane Griffiths
[Early Tudor Poetry: John Skelton] - John M. Berdan
Reality -- Mirror -- Allegory: John Skelton - Anna Torti
Conception, flies, and heresy in Skelton's 'Replycacion' - Victor I. Scherb
Skelton's 'Speke Parott': Language, Madness and the Role of the Court Poet - Simon Brittan
Who is Colin Clout? - Jim Nielson
Skelton and Barclay, Medieval and Modern - David R. Carlson
John Bale
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Exchanging the Old with the New: Medieval Influences on Early Modern
Representations in The Examinations of Anne Askew - Natalie E. Dear
Staging Reformation: Religious Theater in England, 1525-1553 - Alexandra Whitley
Feminised Idolatry and the Subversion of Religious
Orthodoxy in John Bale's Three Laws - Brian Gourley
Representing God and Christ in John Bale's Biblical Plays - Roberta Mullini
Commentators, Mediators, Subversives Within and Without Bale's Nonconformist Play World
Pauline Blanc
Dramatic Images of Kingship in Heywood and Bale - Peter Happe
A Good Prince: King John and Early
Tudor Propaganda - Carole Levin
John Bale's Kynge Johan as English Nationalist Propaganda - G. D. George
'Into a womannys lyckenes': Bale's Personification of Idolatry - Garrett P. J. Epp
"No quyckar merchaundyce than lybrary bokes": John Bale's Commodification of Manuscript Culture - Ernst Gerhardt
"Impoveryshyd and mad a beggar": Poverty and Widowhood in Bale's King Johan - Ernst Gerhardt
John the Baptist: Protestant Character in Tudor Drama - Kurt A. Edwards
The Effect of the Reformation on the Antagonists in English Drama - Mark C. Pilkinton
John Bale's Apocalyptic Historicism and the Making of Protestant Memory - Robin S. Stewart
"Gods lawfull remedye": Clerical Marriage and Royal Authority in John Bale's Three
Laws - James McBain
John Bale, John Foxe and the Reformation of the English Past - M. Greengrass and M. Phillpott
The Authorizations of Torture: John Bale Writing Anne Askew - Natalia Khomenko
Gerard of Nazareth, John Bale and the Origins of the Carmelite Order - Andrew Jotischky
Sex Please, We're British: Exempla, Polemic, and History
in John Bale's Actes of the Englysh Votaryes - Andrew H. Smith
John Bale, William Shakespeare, and King John - Mark Stevenson
Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Please see Essays and Articles on Sir Thomas Wyatt
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
=Student Essay
Please see Essays and Articles on Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
Sir Philip Sidney
=Student Essay
Please see Essays and Articles on Sir Philip Sidney
Edmund Spenser
=Student Essay
Please see Essays and Articles on Edmund Spenser
Christopher Marlowe
=Student Essay
Please see Essays and Articles on Christopher Marlowe
Sir Thomas Hoby/The Courtier
=Student Essay
Words to Live By: Castiglione's Il Libro del Cortegiano and Four Men of Henry VIII's Court - Janet E. Mullin
The Decameron and Il Libro del Cortegiano: Story of a Conversation - S. Vianello
Castiglione vs. Cicero: Political Engagement, or Effeminate Chatter? - Susan Gaylard
The Politics of Effeminacy in Il Cortegiano - Gerry Milligan
Assumed Simplicity and the Critique of Nobility: Or, How Castiglione Read Cicero - Jennifer Richards
"The Ende Therfore of a Perfect Courtier" in Baldassare Castiglione's The Courtier - Douglas A. Northrop
Joking Matters: Politics and Dissimulation in Castiglione's Book of the Courtier - Joann Cavallo
"A wanton trade of living"? Rhetoric, Effeminacy, and the Early Modern Courtier - Jennifer Richards
Bembo's Discourse on Love: a fitting conclusion to The Courtier? - Souvik Mukherjee
Roger Ascham
=Student Essay
A Plaine and Sensible Utterance: The Prose Style of Roger Ascham - John F. Fleischauer
The Imagery of Roger Ascham - Linda Bradley Salamon
Protestant Theology and Apocalyptic Rhetoric in Roger Ascham's The Schoolmaster - Ryan J. Stark
Saintsbury on Ascham
Reflections on "Imitatio" as an Educational Ideal of English Humanism - Jin Sunwoo
John Foxe
=Student Essay
Exchanging the Old with the New: Medieval Influences on Early Modern
Representations in The Examinations of Anne Askew - Natalie E. Dear
John Foxe's Latin Writings: Their Intellectual and Social Context,
with Special Reference to the Period of his Exile, 1554-1559 - John S. Wade
Rectifying the 'ignoraunce of history': John Foxe and the Collaborative
Reformation of England's Past - Matthew J. Phillpott
Moving Imitation: Performing Piety in Early Modern English Literature - Sara Hong
Literature, Protestantism, and the Idea of Community - Kristin Lucas
Seizing the Stake: Female Martyrdom in England During the Reformation - Douglas Winkey
The Fame of John Foxe's Book of Martyrs - Andrew J. Patenall
For God and Country: The Politicization of English Martyrology - Nathan H. Hepworth
"A field of Golgotha" and the "Loosing out of Satan":
Protestantism and Intertextuality
in Shakespeare's 1-3 Henry VI and John Foxe's Acts & Monuments - Rory Leitch
Wigglesworth, Foxe, and The Revelation - Thomas L. Long
John Foxe and the Circumcised Stage - Garrett P. J. Epp
John Foxe and the Desires of Reformation Martyrology - James C. W. Truman
Gospelling Sisters "Goinge up and Downe": John Foxe and Disorderly Women - Megan L. Hickerson
Evangelicalism at Boston, Oxford and Windsor under Henry VIII: John Foxe's
Narratives Recontextualized - Magnus Williamson
'Writers to solemnise and celebrate ... Actes and memory': Foxe and the Business of Textual Memory - Andrew Hiscock
John Foxe and the Desires of Reformation Martyrology - James C. W. Truman
'The same cause and like quarell': Eusebius, John Foxe, and the Evolution of Ecclesiastical History - G. E. Minton
John Foxe and the Jews - Sharon Achinstein
Foxe's Christus Triumphans - Lynne M. Robertson
The Account of Anne Askew in Foxe's Book of Martyrs - Thomas S. Freeman and Sarah Elizabeth Wall
"The Light of Printing": William Tyndale, John Foxe, John Day, and Early Modern Print Culture - John N. King
"His Apparel Was Done Upon Him": Rites of Personage in Foxe's Book of Martyrs - Laurie Shannon
John Foxe: Exorcist - Kathleen R. Sands
Foxe's Martyrs - Pastor David L. Brown, Th.M.
Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford
=Student Essay
The Many Nicknames of the Earl of Oxford - Shakespeare Fellowship
Raleigh, Sidney, Oxford, and the Catholics, 1579 - D. C. Peck
Shaking the Spear at Court: Oxford as "The Knight of the Tree of the Sunne" - Dr. Daniel L. Wright
Lear's Cordelia, Oxford's Susan, and Manningham's Diary - Warren Hope
Elizabeth I
=Student Essay
Please visit Essays and Articles on Queen Elizabeth I
George Gascoigne
=Student Essay
The Literary Career of George Gascoigne:
Studies in Self-Presentation - Gillian Austen
Language, Rhetoric, and Reality in Elizabethan Prose Fiction - Raymond A. Stephanson
An Application of Gascoigne's Certayne Notes of Instruction to a Bouquet of his Posies - A. M. Forbes
Gascoigne and Practical Music: Playing Loath to Depart - Gavin Alexander
George Gascoigne and The Spoyle of Antwerpe (1576) - William E. Sheidley
Gascoigne's The Spoyle of Antwerpe (1576) as an Anglo-Dutch Text
Escaping Italy: From Novella to Romance in Gascoigne and Lyly - Steve Mentz
The Older Woman on the Early Modern English Stage:
Fixed Stereotype or Mobile Signifier? - Pauline Ruberry-Blanc
Metaphors of the Book as Garden in the English Renaissance - R. L. Anderson
Gascoigne's 'Master F.J.' as a Renaissance Proto-Novel: The Birth of the Judicious Editor as Narrator - Felicity A. Hughes
Introduction: ‘Thus Much I Adventure to Deliver to You’: the Fortunes of George Gascoigne - Stephen Hamrick 
Self-portraits and Self-presentation in the Work of George Gascoigne - Gillian Austen 
‘If the head be evill the body cannot be good’: Legitimate Rebellion
in Gascoigne and Kinwelmershe’s Jocasta - A. E. Ward
‘Nedelesse Singularitie’: George Gascoigne’s Strategies for Preserving Lyric Delight - Matthew Zarnowiecki 
The fruits of war: The voice of the soldier in Gascoigne, Rich, and Churchyard - Elizabeth Heale 
“A true Copie”: Gascoigne’s Princely Pleasures and the textual representation of courtly performance - S. Anderson 
Gascoigne’s Globe: The Spoyle of Antwerpe and the Black Legend of Spain - Linda Bradley Salamon 
‘Lyke Chaucers boye’: Poetry and Penitence in Gascoigne’s Grief of Joye - Kevin Laam 
"Set in portraiture": George Gascoigne, Queen Elizabeth, and Adapting the Royal Image - Stephen Hamrick
Androgyny and Linguistic Power in Gascoigne's The Steele Glas - Kevin LaGrandeur
Gascoigne's Poses - Felicity A. Hughes
Elizabethan Court Fiction: George Gascoigne and John Lyly - Dr. Deborah Wyrick
On "The Adventures of Master F. J." - Ray Davis
A Study in Gascoigne's Style in The Adventures of Master F. J. - Shana Marie Hirsch
John Lyly
=Student Essay
Please see Essays and Articles on John Lyly
Thomas Nashe
=Student Essay
"Fooles in Retayle": Personae and Print in the Long 1590s - Ashley Streeter
as a Defining Textual Moment - Arul Kumaran
The Concept of Revenge for Honour in English Fiction and Drama
between 1580 and 1640 - Elizabeth M. Brennan
Authors, Audiences, and Elizabethan Prologics - Jacob A. Heil
The Ethics of Satire in Early Modern English Literature - Erin L. Ashworth-King
"Measures Meet for Every Sort": The Social Dynamics of Late-Elizabethan Genre - Caralyn A. Bialo
The Outlines of Skepticism: The Problem of Moral Authority in Early Modern England - Melissa M. Caldwell
Subjects in Space: The Politics of Travel in Early Modern England - Jennifer A. Turner
Language, Rhetoric, and Reality in Elizabethan Prose Fiction - Raymond A. Stephanson
Print, Patronage, and the Satiric Pamphlet: The Death of Robert Greene
The Relationship of Robert Greene and Thomas Nashe, 1588-1590:
An Episode in the Development of English Prose Fiction - Gregory R. Koenig
Fanciful Fictions: The Fashioning of Authorship in Two Elizabethan Novels - Renate Leder
The Picaresque Spirit in English Fiction from Nashe to Thackeray - Paul H. Anderson
Nashe and Satire - Tiffany Stearn
Summer Fruit and Autumn Leaves: Thomas Nashe in 1593 - Philip Schwyzer
Nashe, Tragicomedy, and The Winter's Tale - Michael Saenger
Nashe and the Poetics of Obscenity: The Choise of Valentines - M. L. Stapleton
Social and Political Satire in the Impotency Poems of Rémy Belleau and Thomas Nashe - Hannah Lavery
The Heroine as Courtesan: Dishonesty, Romance, and the Sense of an Ending
in The Unfortunate Traveler - Steve Mentz
The Curious Connection Between
Nashe, Dekker, and Freemasonry - Donna N. Murphy
Underplayed Rivalry: Patronage and the Marlovian Subtext of Summer's Last Will and Testament - Per Sivefors
"I Am No Woman, I": Gender, Sexuality, and Power in Elizabethan Erotic Verse - Chloe K. Preedy
A Guide to the Unfortunate Traveller? The Emerging Prose Voice in Two Early
Picaresque Narratives of Early Modern England and Spain - Anita Howard
The Unfortunate Traveller and the Ramist Controversy: A Narrative Dilemma - Kurtis B. Haas
"Unfortunate Travellers": translatio, travestissement et
maniérisme littéraire chez Marlowe et Nashe - Marie-Alice Belle
Authorial Self-Consciousness in Nashe's The Unfortunate Traveller - Wendy Hyman
"Cease Cease to bawle, thou wasp-stung Satyrist:" Writers, Printers, & the Bishops' Ban of 1599 - C. Forshaw
Christs Teares, Nashe's 'forsaken extremities' - Katharine Duncan-Jones
Thomas Nashe, Thomas Lodge, and Pierce Penilesse - D. Allen Carroll
A New Source for Thomas Nashe's The Choise of Valentines - Michael L. Stapleton
Nashe's "Choise" and Chaucer's Pardoner - Robert C. Evans
Thomas Nashe - Ernest A. Baker
C. S. Lewis on Thomas Nashe
G. K. Hunter on Nashe and Lyly
Nashe and the Bourgoisie - Louis B. Wright
Nashe as "Monarch of Witt" and Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - Joan Ozark Holmer
"Milksop Muses" or Why Not Mary? - Penny McCarthy
Abstract. An Althusserian Reading On Thomas Nashe’s The Unfortunate Traveller - Doohyun Park
Richard Hooker
=Student Essay
Richard Hooker and Writing God into Polemic and Piety - Glenn Baker
Richard Hooker: Beyond Certainty - Andrea Russell
How the Mind of Christ is Formed in Community: the Ecclesial Ethics of Richard Hooker - Craig D. Uffman
The Outlines of Skepticism: The Problem of Moral Authority in Early Modern England - Melissa M. Caldwell
The Political Thought of Richard Hooker: Authority, Experience and Order - John Micklewright
The Architecture of Participation in the Thought of Richard Hooker - Paul A. Dominiak
The Doctrine of the Royal Supremacy in the Thought of Richard Hooker - W. J. Torrance Kirby
The Doctrine of Salvation in the Sermons of Richard Hooker - C. C. Simut
Doctrinal and Stylistic Elements in the Sermons of John Donne, Richard Hooker,
and Lancelot Andrewes - Richard J. Gibson
The Evolving Reputation of Richard Hooker: An Examination of Responses
to the Ecclesiastical Polity, 1640-1714 - Michael A. Brydon
Freedom of a Christian Commonwealth: Richard Hooker and the Problem
of Christian Liberty - W. Bradford Littlejohn
Richard Hooker's Doctrine of the Holy Spirit - John K. Stafford
The Prose Style of Richard Hooker in The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity - Anne M. Gale
Consent and Political Obligation: Richard Hooker to John Locke - Dean Kernan
Richard Hooker and the Authority of Scripture, Tradition and Reason - Nigel T. Atkinson
Richard Hooker and His Theory of Anglicanism - Marilyn J. Becic
The Christian Dimension of the Origin of Constitutionalism: St. Augustine,
Thomas Aquinas, Richard Hooker and John Locke - Wenting Liu
Richard Hooker's Disputative Method - Pamela C. Laird
"The participation of God himself": Law and Mediation in the Thought of Richard Hooker - Charles W. Irish
Richard Hooker and the Development of English Hypothetical Universalism - Michael J. Lynch
More than a Swineherd: Hooker, Vermigli, and the Aristotelian Defense of the Royal Supremacy - Bradford Littlejohn
The Search for a Reformed Hooker: Some Modest Proposals - Bradford Littlejohn
Sectarianism and the Search for Visible Catholicity: Lessons from John Nevin and Richard Hooker - Bradford Littlejohn
'Law Makes the King': Richard Hooker on Law and Princely Rule - Torrance Kirby
Augustinian Immediacy and Dionysian Mediation in John Colet, Edmund Spenser,
Richard Hooker and the Cardinal de BĂ©rulle - Wayne J. Hankey
Il pensiero di Richard Hooker all'origine della teologia anglicana - Gianluigi Gugliermetto
The Quest for the Historical Hooker - John Booty
Hooker's Understanding of the Authority of Scripture as a Resource for Anglicans Today - Alison Quin
'The Law of a Commonweal': The Social Vision of Hooker's
Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity
and Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew - Ken Jacobsen
Hooker's Apprentice: God, Entelechy, Beauty, and Desire in Book One
of Richard Hooker's Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie - Patrick D. M. Patterson
Richard Hooker's Trinitarian Hermeneutic of Grace - Barry G. Rasmussen
Prudence and Custom: Revisiting Hooker on Authority - William H. Harrison
"The reliques and ragges of popish superstition": The Effect of Richard Hooker's
Of the Lawes of Ecclesticall Polity on Book V of The Faerie Queene - Vince P. Redder
Richard Hooker and the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood - Stephen Sykes
Scripture, tradition and reason — Hooker's supposed 3-legged stool - Peter Toon
Exploring Issues of Authority in the Tradition of Richard Hooker - Paul Avis
Sacramental Theology in Hooker's Laws : A Structural Perspective - William O. Gregg
Hooker's Criteria for Liturgy - Daniel B. Stevick
Answering "the Known Men": Bishop Reginald Pecock and Mr. Richard Hooker by Charles W. Brockwell, Jr.
Hooker, Ecumenism, and Authority - Robert Rea
Hooker's Discourse on Natural Law in the Context of the Magisterial Reformation - W. J. Torrance Kirby
Richard Hooker and Prayer - Cameron Lesage
Sir Walter Ralegh
=Student Essay
Fifteen Years at His Majesty's Pleasure: The Relationship of King James I of England and
His Prisoner, Sir Walter Ralegh - Ann Doremus
Ralegh's Dilemma: Medieval Providentialism and Renaissance Nationalism
in The History of the World - Chin-yi Lai Lai
Sir Walter Ralegh's Legacy:
His History of the World in the Seventeenth Century - Steven Carriger
BA Intimacy, Influence, and Imitation: a Study of the Courtly Love Poetry of Sir Walter Ralegh - Mariah R. Raney
Imagined Apotheoses: Drake, Harriot, and Ralegh in the Americas - William M. Hamlin
L'El Dorado di Ralegh e di Calibano - Rocco Coronato
Sir Walter Ralegh y la escritura literaria del primer colonialismo europeo - David Fiel
Cani latranti, magia e miracoli di Cristo. Spunti pichiani
nella 'History of the World' di Sir Walter Ralegh - Gilberto Sacerdoti
'The Great Day of Mart':
Returning to Texts at the Trial of Sir Walter Ralegh in 1603 - Rosalind Davies
Dialectical Tension in Sir Walter Raleigh's Life and Work - Socorro Suárez & Juan E. Tazón
Sir Walter Ralegh: El Pirata Poeta - Anna Maria Leoni T.
A Shroud for the Mind: Ralegh's Poetic Rewriting of the Self - Miri Tashma-Baum 
Raleigh, Sidney, Oxford, and the Catholics, 1579 - D. C. Peck
To (Re)fashion a Gentleman: Ralegh's Disgrace in Spenser's Legend of Courtesy - Jeffrey B. Morris
Ralegh's Early Poetry and its Metrical Context - Carlo M. Bajetta
"Left to the world without a Maister": Sir Walter Ralegh's The History of the World as a Public Text - Anna R. Beer
French and Italian sources for Ralegh's 'Farewell False Love' - Jonathan Gibson
A Contemporary View of Sir Walter Ralegh - John T. Shawcross
Gold on Credit: Martin Frobisher's and Walter Raleigh's Economies of Evidence - William N. West
Bringing "this monstrous birth to the world's light": Colonial Mimicry in Early Modern Writing - Sabine Schülting
Sir Walter Ralegh's Treason: A Prosecution Document - Mark Nicholls
New Pleasures Prove: Evidence of Dialectical Disputatio in Early Modern
Manuscript Culture [Ralegh, Marlowe, Donne, Herbert] - Margaret Downs-Gamble
Contribution of Sir Walter Raleigh to the Development of English Colonial Enterprise - Sam Hemingbrough
The Credit of Truth: Thomas Hariot and the Defense of Ralegh - Vance Briceland
What Ralegh Discovered about Guiana - Steven Thomas
The Poetry Contest: Sir Walter Ralegh, Christopher Marlowe and John Donne - Janice Greer
Thomas Hariot
=Student Essay
A New Perceived Reality: Thomas Harriot's Moon Maps - Allan Chapman
Borrowed Perceptions: Harriot's Maps of the Moon - T. F. Bloom
Thomas Harriot's Reputation for Impiety - Jean Jacquot
The Soft Logic of Thomas Harriot - H. T. Goranson
Bringing "this monstrous birth to the world's light": Colonial Mimicry in Early Modern Writing - Sabine Schülting
The Credit of Truth: Thomas Hariot and the Defense of Ralegh - Vance Briceland
Robert Southwell
=Student Essay
Poetry, Prayer, and Pedagogy: Writings By and For the English Catholic Community, 1547-1650 - Patricia M. Garcia
A Biographical Study of Robert Southwell and his Historical and Cultural Milieu - Ibrahim A. Mumayiz
Robert Southwell: Exponent of Religious Poetry in the Elizabethan Age - M. Agnes Haganey
Sacramental Signification:
Eucharistic Poetics from Chaucer to Milton - Shaun Ross
The Song of Songs in Late Elizabethan, Jacobean and Caroline Poetry - Hilary E. Elder
Robert Southwell, S.J.: Religious Poet of the English Renaissance - Julia S. Hughes
Metaphorical Angst: The Influence of the Theological Aesthetic on the Metaphors
of Robert Southwell and John Donne - Matthew Gaster
The Ministry of Passion and Meditation: Robert Southwell's Marie Magdalens Funeral Teares
and the Adaptation of Continental Influences - Mark R. Benedict
"No tombe but throne": Robert Southwell and the Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin - Lilla Grindlay
Polemic and Paradox in Robert Southwell's Lyric Poems - Sadia Abbas
N.D. versus O.E.: Anonymity's Moral Ambiguity in Elizabethan Catholic Controversy - Marcy L. North
Robert Southwell Teaches Us How to Survive - Solange Strong Hertz
Southwell's "New Heaven, New Warre" - Karen Batley
The Curious Case of Robert Southwell, Gerard Hopkins and a Princely Spanish Hawk - Gary M. Bouchard
Southwell's "Christ's Bloody Sweat" - Mary Lowe-Evans
Southwell's "A Vale of Tears": A Psychoanalysis of Form - Gary Kuchar
Southwell and His Idea of Death as a Divine Honor - Antonio S. Oliver
Thomas Campion
=Student Essay
Please see Essays and Articles on Thomas Campion
Mary (Sidney) Herbert, Countess of Pembroke
=Student Essay
"Royal wench": Investigating Gender and Power in the Antony and Cleopatra Plays
of the English Renaissance - Yvonne D. Hann
Writing Herbert Writing Sidney: Mary Sidney Herbert, Literary Patronage,
and Early Modern Textual Production - Joan Perkins
Wicked Words, Virtuous Voices: The Reconstruction of Tragic Subjectivity
by Renaissance and Early Restoration Women Dramatists - Marguérite C. M. Corporaal
The Countess of Pembroke's 'Tragedy of Antonie' - Alice H. Luce
The Song of Songs in Late Elizabethan, Jacobean and Caroline Poetry - Hilary E. Elder
"Lady Alcumy": Elizabethan Gentlewomen
and the Practice of Chymistry - Sienna L. Latham
Cleopatra: Three Visions of her Infinite Variety - Katherine L. Baker [Daniel, Mary Sidney, Shakespeare]
'To the highest God I will erect my cry': Translation, Mediation, and Personal Expression
Subtle Evasions: Mary Sidney and Social Expectations for Women's Private Roles - Martha Diede
in Mary Sidney Herbert's Psalmes - E. MacDonald-Murray
Commentary on Selected Psalms Translated by Mary Sidney - Tom Dlugosh
Multiple Arcadias and the Literary Quarrel between Fulke Greville and the Countess of Pembroke - Joel Davis
Mary Sidney's Antonius and the ambiguities of French history - Anne Lake Prescott
Mary Sidney's Psalms and the Uses of History - Gerald Hammond
Pleasurable Spaces: The Re-Writing of Women's Theological Experience
in Mary Sidney's Psalmes - Katherine Larson
Davies's Astraea and Other Contexts of the Countess of Pembroke's "A Dialogue" - Mary C. Erler
Edmund Spenser, Mary Sidney, and the Doleful Lay - Pamela Coren
"Milksop Muses" or Why Not Mary? - Penny McCarthy
Brothers' Keepers and Philip's Siblings: The Poetics of the Sidney Family - Elizabeth Mazzola
"In sort as she it sung": Spenser's "Doleful Lay" and the Construction of Female Authorship - Danielle Clarke
"Outrage your face": Anti-Theatricality and Gender in Early Modern Closet Drama by Women - K. O. Acheson
"The Wreck of Order" in Early Modern Women's Drama - Irene Burgess
Closet Drama Politics in the Works of Lady Jane Lumley, Mary Sidney and Lady Elizabeth Cary - Jessica K. B. Pirie
Sir John Davies
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Rhetoric of Stasis, Gesture, and Dance in Renaissance Literature - Melissa L. Hudler
Sir John Davies' Law Reports and the Consolidation of the Tudor Conquest of Ireland - H. S. Pawlisch
Reformation and Revelry: The Practices and Politics of Dancing in Early Modern England - E. F. Winerock
Book: Philosophy in Poetry: A Study of Sir John Davies's Poem "Nosce Teipsum" (1903) - E. Hershey Sneath
Sir John Davies - T. S. Eliot
Senses of Unending in the Work of Sir John Davies - Adam Hansen
Known Unknowns: Sir John Davies' Nosce Teipsum in Conversation - A. Ossa-Richardson
Nosce Teipsum: The Senses of Self-Knowledge in Early Modern England - E. L. Swann
'What fame is this?' John Davies' Epigrammes in Late Elizabethan London - Susanna Hop
From a View to a Discovery: Edmund Spenser, Sir John Davies, and
the Defects of Law in the Realm of Ireland - D. Alan Orr
Davies's Astraea and Other Contexts of the Countess of Pembroke's "A Dialogue" - Mary C. Erler
Rival Discourses of Dancing in Early Modern England - Skiles Howard
Nosce Teipsum de Davies: en écho à la visite en Angleterre de Giordano Bruno? - Gisèle Venet
Sir John Davies: More Than A Poet - Dave Horne
Samuel Daniel
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Daniel's Cleopatra: A New Critical Edition - Dorothy H. Bowles
Monuments in Verse: The Poetry and Poetics of Samuel Daniel - Kelly Anne Quinn
Silencing the Sirens: Patronage and the New World in Spenser, Daniel, and Shakespeare - John C. Sievers
Samuel Daniel's Civil Wars and Shakespeare's Early History Plays - David S. Weiss
"This cursed womb": The Queen as Mother on the Early Modern Stage - Mary Kathryn Stripling
The Morality of Learning and the Concept of the Poet: A Study of the Debate on the Purpose, Role
and Scope of Human Learning in England in the Late 16th and Early 17th Centuries - David G. Booy
"The speaking picture of the mind": The Poetic Style of Samuel Daniel - Harold N. Hild
Grief as Medicine for Grief: Complaint Poetry in Early Modern England - J. T. Diaz
Ovidian Female-Voiced Complaint Poetry in Early Modern England - Katherine Jo Smith
Ghost Complaint: Historiography, Gender, and the Return of the Dead in Elizabethan Literature - D. C. Jellerson
Unparadised Women: Royal Mistresses in Early Modern English Literature - Christine A. Cornell
The 2nd Earl of Essex and the History Players: the Factional Writing
of John Hayward, William Shakespeare, Samuel Daniel, and George Chapman - Matthew Bran Davies
Samuel Daniel's Delia - Peter Reimann
Cleopatra: Three Visions of her Infinite Variety - Katherine L. Baker [Daniel, Mary Sidney, Shakespeare]
"The English Masque" - Felix E. Schelling
C. S. Lewis on Daniel's Delia
C. S. Lewis on Daniel and Drayton
Hannay on Daniel
On Delia - John Erskine
Sonnet Literature: Sidney, Spenser, Drayton, Daniel - Richard Firestone [ff. p194]
'Sporting the While': Carpe Diem and the Cruel Fair in Daniel's Delia and Complaint of Rosamond - E. H. Sagaser
Daniel's The Complaint of Rosamond and the arrival of Tasso's Armida in England - J. Lawrence
Amazon Reflections in the Jacobean Queen's Masque - Kathryn Schwarz
The Form and Cadence of Samuel Daniel's Sonnets - Emily Lu Pearson
Samuel Daniel and Talon's Rhetoric - Micha Lazarus
"Things Uttered to My Selfe and Consecrated to Silence": Samuel Daniel's Silent Rhetoric - Christine Sukič
Samuel Daniel, A Defense of Ryme: Poétique et Politique - Christine Sukič
Samuel Daniel's Authorial Strategies in The Queenes Arcadia - Christine Sukič
"The title of a poet": autorité et auctorialité dans les sonnets de William Shakespeare,
de Samuel Daniel et de sir Philip Sidney - Christine Sukič
Samuel Daniel et le paradoxe de la frontière - Christine Sukič
Samuel Daniel et le paradoxe de la frontière: "Thames doth out goe / Declined Tybur" - Christine Sukič
"Take Here This Prospective": Specular Reflections of the Female Spectators
in Samuel Daniel's Vision of the Twelve Goddesses - Christine Sukič
Samuel Daniel and Edification - Gregory Kneidel
Reading Anne Clifford's Books in the Company of Samuel Daniel - Antoinina Bevan Zlatar
Daniel's Cleopatra and Lady Anne Clifford: From a Jacobean Portrait
to Modern Performance - Arshad, Hacket, and Whipday
Ecphrasis and Reading Practices in Elizabethan Narrative Verse - Kelly A. Quinn
Daniel versus Jonson: Books, Beasts and Birds - John Pitcher
Samuel Daniel's Gifts of Books to Lord Chancellor Egerton - John Pitcher
Caught Between "virtue" and "memorie": Providential and Political Historiography
in Samuel Daniel's The Civil Wars - Alzada Tipton
'The power of his commanding trident': Tethys' Festival as Royal Policy - Anne Daye
Treasonous Silence: The Tragedy of Philotas and Legal Epistemology - Kevin Curran
The Writings and West Country World of Samuel Daniel - P. Merchant
"Much augmented" and "somewhat beautified": Revisions in Three Female Complaints of the 1590s - Anna Swärdh
"Love is Not Love": Elizabethan Sonnet Sequences and the Social Order - Arthur F. Marotti
Rosamond: A Look at the Importance of Mythology - Shannon Boland
Michael Drayton
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Bibliofictions: Ovidian Heroines and the Tudor Book - Lindsay A. Reid
A Study of Arthurian Poetry in the English Renaissance, from Spenser to Dryden - Marion Wynne-Davies
Telos and Philology in the Early Modern English Epic - John P. Hampstead
Didacticism in the Historical Poetry of Michael Drayton - Linda A. Salathe
"As thus to varietie inclin'd": Drayton, Byron, and Laureateship - Lisa M. Ulevich
Book: Oliver Elton's Michael Drayton; a Critical Study, 1905
Schelling on Drayton
C. S. Lewis on Drayton's Idea
C. S. Lewis on Daniel and Drayton
The Sonnets of Michael Drayton - Lemuel Whitaker, 1904
Ovid's Heroides, Drayton and the Articulation of the Feminine in the English Renaissance - Danielle Clarke
Poetry and Place in Drayton and Jonson - Canice J. Egan, S. J.
Sonnet Literature: Sidney, Spenser, Drayton, Daniel - Richard Firestone [ff. p194]
Ecphrasis and Reading Practices in Elizabethan Narrative Verse - Kelly A. Quinn
The Changing Moods of Michael Drayton's Sonnets - Emily Lu Pearson
Michael Drayton and the Writing of Jacobean Britain - Tristan Marshall
The Politics of Fairylore in Early Modern English Literature - Marjorie Swann
Sonnet into Epigram: Michael Drayton's Shifting Priorities from
Ideas Mirrour (1594) to Idea. In Sixtie Three Sonnets (1619) - Christopher Lane
Excerpts from Hardin's Michael Drayton and the Passing of Elizabethan England, 1973
Michael Drayton and his "Idea's Mirror" - The Gentleman's Magazine, 1907
The History Never Written: Bards, Druids, and the Problem of Antiquarianism in 'Poly Olbion.' - John E. Curran, Jr.
Explication of "How Many Paltry Foolish Painted Things" - Caitlin Jafolla
Fulke Greville
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Morality of Learning and the Concept of the Poet: A Study of the Debate on the Purpose, Role
and Scope of Human Learning in England in the Late 16th and Early 17th Centuries - David G. Booy
The Works of Fulke Greville - Morris W. Croll
Fulke Greville's Caelica: The Work of an Elizabethan - James W. Newcomb
The Janus-faced Philosophy of Fulke Greville - Margaret Anne L. Mathieson
Fulke Greville and the Art of Poetry: A Study in Theory and Practice - Paul G. Reeve
Manuscrito e Impresso: as diferentes materialidades do texto de Fulke Greville - Bruna Braga Fontes
Centaurs of the Mind: Imagination and Fiction-making in the Work of Fulke Greville - Freya Sierhuis
Friendship and Freedom of Speech: Experiments with Life-writing in Greville's Life of Sidney - Freya Sierhuis
My Creeping Genius: Fulke Greville's Hidden Jealousy towards Sidney's Talent - Yuichiro Nishino
Multiple Arcadias and the Literary Quarrel between Fulke Greville and the Countess of Pembroke - Joel Davis
The Political Atheology of George Puttenham and Fulke Greville - Ethan Guagliardo
"A well-framed art": Fulke Greville and the Refashioning of Nature - Andrew D. Weiner
The Literary Afterlife of the Essex Circle: Fulke Greville, Tacitus, and BL Additional MS 18638 - Bradley J. Irish
"Bastard Children of Tyranny": The Ancient Constitution and
Fulke Greville's A Dedication to Sir Philip Sidney - Peter C. Herman
Greville's Caelica and the Fullness of Time - Germaine Warkentin
"Changeling love": The Function of Cupid in Fulke Greville's Caelica - Joan Curbet
Fulke Greville's Caelica and the Calvinist Self - Elaine Y. L. Ho
Fulke Greville's Caelica LVIII - G. A. Wilkes
Martin Peerson and Greville's Caelica Gavin Alexander
The Chorus Sacerdotum in Fulke Greville's Mustapha - G. A. Wilkes
Dealing With Tyranny: Fulke Greville's Mustapha - Seda Erkoç
Image of Mustapha in Fulke Greville's Mustapha - Fahd Al-Olaqi
The Counsel of Fulke Greville: Transforming the Jacobean "nourish father"
Through Sidney's "nursing father" - Elizabeth A. Spiller
The "mannes state" of Philip Sidney: Pre-scripting the Life of the Poet in England - Kevin Pask
The Earl of Essex, Fulke Greville, and the Employment of Scholars - Paul E. J. Hammer
'Pleasing vices': Machiavelli and Greville on Princely Conduct - William R. Drennan
Fulke Greville and Proportional Form - Tom W. N. Parker
'Divided and Distinguished Worlds': Greville's Religious Poetry - Donald Mackenzie
"The Uncanny Stranger on Display": The Female Body in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Love Poetry - M. Baker
The Pleasures of Restraint: the Mean of Coyness in Cavalier poetry - Joshua Scodel
"Love is Not Love": Elizabethan Sonnet Sequences and the Social Order - Arthur F. Marotti
Greville's Caelica 2: The Mistress as Virgin/Whore - Anniina Jokinen
Aemilia Lanyer
=Student Essay
Engendering Authority in Aemilia Lanyer's "Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum" - Kari Boyd McBride
Revisions of Eve: Narrative Instability and Tragic Action
in Cary, Lanyer, and Milton - Evelyn N. Bennett
Early Modern Women Writers and Humility as Rhetoric: Aemilia Lanyer's
Table-Turning Use of Modesty - Kathryn L. Sandy-Smith
Class, Authority, and the Querelle des Femmes: A Women's Community
of Resistance in Early Modern Europe - Dana E. Lawrence
Imagining Unity: The Politics of Transcendence in Donne, Lanyer, Crashaw, and Milton - Jayme M. Yeo
"Virtue's Friends": The Politics of Friendship in Early Modern English Women's Writing - Allison Johnson
The Song of Songs in Late Elizabethan, Jacobean and Caroline Poetry - Hilary E. Elder
Dissident Metaphysics in Renaissance Women's Poetry - Sajed Ali Chowdhury
The Weapons of the "True Warfaring Christian": Right Reason
and Free Will in Seventeenth-Century Literature - Nancy R. Bradley
Reading Women Writers in the Cultural Politics of Early Modern England - Edith Snook
"Beauty's Red and Virtue's White": Representations of the Beauty/Virtue Topos in Book III of Edmund Spenser's
Faerie Queene and Aemilia Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum - Emily A. Johnson
Lanyer's Virtual Community: The Defense of Female Community in Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum - Megan Roberts
The Country-House Poems of Lanyer, Jonson, Carew, and Marvell: Emblems
of Social Change in the Seventeenth Century - Diane B. Gill
Venus' Frown: The Paradox of Chaste Marriage in the Dedicatory Poems to Salve Deus Rex Judæorum - Forrest Hamrick
"Noble virtues" and "Rich chaines": Patronage in the Poetry of Aemilia Lanyer - Elizabeth Fletcher
Gender, Genre, and the Canon: Teaching Aemilia Lanyer - Jeremy Jurgens
The Epic Structure and Subversive Messages of Æmilia Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judæorum - Melanie Faith
Theological Dramatics: Two Case Studies, Milton and Lanyer - Nathan P. Gilmour
Minor Movements: (Re)locating the Travels of Early Modern English Women - Leah J. Wahlin
Aemilia Lanyer and Rachel Speght: Literary Strategies, A Case Study - María Sosa Garrido
The Epic Structure and Subversive Messages of Æmilia Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judæorum - Melanie Faith
Early Modern Women's Dream Visions:
Male Literary Tradition and the Female Authorial Voice - Colleen E. Shea
"Our general mother": Eve's Mythic Power and the Poetry of Aemilia Lanyer, John Milton,
Elizabeth Barrett, and Christina Rossetti - Sarah C. McCollum
"Challendge to Your Selves no Sov'raigntie:" Aemilia Lanyer, Saint Monica, Christian Feminine Virtue
and its Challenge to the Patriarchal Symbolic Order - Helen Pluckrose
The Selfe Undone: Individualism and Relationality in John Donne and Aemilia Lanyer - Constance Furey
Amelia Lanyer and the Politics of Praise - Su Fang Ng
Remembering Orpheus in the Poems of Aemilia Lanyer - Kari Boyd McBride
"The Ocean of true grace:" Aemelia Lanyer Presents Jesus - James Wardwell
"Fast ti'd unto them in a golden Chaine": Typology, Apocalypse, and Woman's Genealogy
in Aemilia Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum - Marie H. Loughlin
A Woman with Saint Peter's Keys?: Aemilia Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum
and the Priestly Gifts of Women
Remembering Cynthia: The Legacy of Elizabeth I in the Poetry of Aemilia Lanyer and Diana Primrose - Younkyung Kim
The Shakespearean Connection to Aemilia Lanyer - John Hudson
Prophecy and Gendered Mourning in Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum - Elizabeth M. A. Hodgson
An Apology for Knowledge: Gender and the Hermeneutics of Incarnation in the Works of
Aemilia Lanyer and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz - B. R. Siegfried
Breaking "the rule of Cortezia": Aemilia Lanyer's Dedications to Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum - Lisa Schnell
Writing in service: sexual politics and class position in the poetry of Aemilia Lanyer and Ben Jonson - A. B. Coiro
Writing in Neutral: The Use of Androgyny by Rachel Speght and Aemilia Lanyer - Heather Morrow
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Created by Anniina Jokinen on April 3, 1996. Last updated on May 20, 2023.
The Tudors
King Henry VII
Elizabeth of York
King Henry VIII
Queen Catherine of Aragon
Queen Anne Boleyn
Queen Jane Seymour
Queen Anne of Cleves
Queen Catherine Howard
Queen Katherine Parr
King Edward VI
Lady Jane Grey
Queen Mary I
Queen Elizabeth I
Renaissance English Writers
Bishop John Fisher
William Tyndale
Sir Thomas More
John Heywood
Thomas Sackville
John Bale
Nicholas Udall
John Skelton
Sir Thomas Wyatt
Henry Howard
Hugh Latimer
Thomas Cranmer
Roger Ascham
Sir Thomas Hoby
John Foxe
George Gascoigne
John Lyly
Thomas Nashe
Sir Philip Sidney
Edmund Spenser
Richard Hooker
Robert Southwell
Robert Greene
George Peele
Thomas Kyd
Edward de Vere
Christopher Marlowe
Anthony Munday
Sir Walter Ralegh
Thomas Hariot
Thomas Campion
Mary Sidney Herbert
Sir John Davies
Samuel Daniel
Michael Drayton
Fulke Greville
Emilia Lanyer
William Shakespeare
Persons of Interest
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Historical Events
Field of the Cloth of Gold, 1520
Pilgrimage of Grace, 1536
The Babington Plot, 1586
The Spanish Armada, 1588
Elizabethan Theatre
See section
English Renaissance Drama
Images of London:
London in the time of Henry VII. MS. Roy. 16 F. ii.
London, 1510, the earliest view in print
Map of England from Saxton's Descriptio Angliae, 1579
Location Map of Elizabethan London
Plan of the Bankside, Southwark, in Shakespeare's time
Detail of Norden's Map of the Bankside, 1593
Bull and Bear Baiting Rings from the Agas Map (1569-1590, pub. 1631)
Sketch of the Swan Theatre, c. 1596
Westminster in the Seventeenth Century, by Hollar
Visscher's Panoramic View of London, 1616. COLOR