H Ere now have you (most deare, and most worthy to
be most deare Lady) this idle worke of mine : which I
fear (like the Spiders webbe) will be thought fitter to be
swept away, then worn to any other purpose. For my
part, in very trueth (as the cruell fathers among the
Greekes, were woont to doo to the babes they would not
foster) I could well find in my harte, to cast out in some
desert of forgetfulnes this child, which I am loath to
father. But you desired me to doo it, and your desire, to
my hart is an absolute commandement. Now, it is done
onelie for you, onely to you : if you keepe it to your
selfe, or to such friendes, who will weigh errors in the
ballaunce of good will, I hope, for the fathers sake, it
will be pardoned, perchance made much of, though in it
selfe it have deformities. For indeede, for severer eyes
it is not, being but a trifle, and that triflinglie handled.
Your deare selfe can best witnes the maner, being done
in loose sheetes of paper, most of it in your presence,
the rest, by sheetes, sent unto you, as fast as they were
done. In summe, a young head, not so well stayed as I
would it were, (and shall be when God will) having
many many fancies begotten in it, if it had not ben in
some way delivered, would have growen a monster, &
more sorie might I be that they came in, then that they
gat out. But his chiefe safetie, shalbe the not walking
abroad ; & his chiefe protection, the bearing the liverye
of your name ; which (if much much good will do not
deceave me) is worthy to be a sanctuary for a greater
offender. This say I, because I knowe the vertue so ; and
this say I, because it may be ever so ; or to say better,
because it will be ever so. Read it then at your idle
tymes, and the follyes your good judgement wil finde in
it, blame not, but laugh at. And so, looking for no better
stuffe, then, as in an Haberdashers shoppe, glasses, or
feathers, you will continue to love the writer, who doth
excedinglie love you ; and most most hartelie praies you
may long live, to be a principall ornament to the familie
of the Sidneis.
Your loving Brother
Philip Sidnei.